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Senior Staff
Leadership Team

Senior Staff

Lindsay Brown
Mailing Address:
4401 Zoo Parkway
Ashebboro, NC 27205

Lindsay Brown

General Manager of SSA

Lindsay Brown is the General Manager with SSA Group at the North Carolina Zoo, the on-site culinary services partner.  Earning two bachelor’s degrees in science, Lindsay is a graduate of Auburn University.  She leads a highly motivated team that oversees all food and beverage sales, restaurant operations, and on-site catering services. Before coming to the North Carolina Zoo, Lindsay gained experience holding various positions with SSA Group at the Birmingham Zoo, including Administrative Operations Manager, Food and Beverage Operations Manager, and Director of Catering & Events.

As a member of senior staff, Lindsay brings insight to our group regarding food and beverage sales and trends, while listening and responding to the ever-changing needs of our park guests and staff.  Her ability to stay in tune with our competitive food and beverage market is a valuable trait to have in her position.

Lindsay is an Alabama native who brings passion and culture to the operation while inspiring her team to provide the best guest experience possible.  

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